If you have suffered an eye injury we understand what those injuries can be.
Serious injuries can occur in a variety of ways. The Law Offices of Shapiro & Associates, P.A. represents families of persons that have sustained an eye injury as a result of Physical impact from a sharp or blunt object. This can occur as a result of an accident.
Impact on the outer lens and iris can cause damage to other parts of the eye. Injuries can include a Corneal abrasion, detachment of the iris from its root base, Lens damage, Retinal damage with Retinal detachment, Optic nerve damage and sometimes Rupture of the globe that can result from very severe blunt trauma.
Aggressive • Accessible • Experienced
Experience and knowledge are key elements in winning your case. The Law Offices of Shapiro & Associates has the experience, training and knowledge to win. If you have been seriously injured as the result of an Eye Injury Accidents, the Law Offices of Shapiro & Associates can help protect your rights and assist you in recovering the highest compensation. The sooner you call, the faster we can help you get compensation for medical bills, loss of wages, and pain and suffering.
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